User-guide for the OpenGPS LCD program follows. Note 'fields' are identified by placing 'F1', 'F2', etc. above or below the field in question.
1. General
The keys Left Arrow and Right Arrow can be used to navigate between menus. The leftmost menu is MAIN (see below) and the rightmost menu is either NETWORK or NETWORKSTATIC. If the user moves beyond these menus, it will wrap around to either the first or last menu (the menu structure is circular).
2. Screens
There are 6 main LCD screens
- MAIN - Displays hostname, time, number of satellites tracked, etc.
- PRN - Displays PRN tracked and corresponding CN0
- TIME - Displays time
- REBOOT - Reboot host from here
- NETWORK - Set Static/DHCP network settings
static network selected, enter gateway and netmask
2.1. Main
This is the default display.
F1 F2 F3
cdbs01 20050428-1729 09 *
F4 F5 F6
- Fields
F1 This is the first 6 characters of the computer hostname.
F2 This field is usually just a space ' ' character, but when the GPS time is not being decoded, an exclamation mark '!' will appear here.
F3 The system time
F4 IP address as obtained from
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 . If ifconfig failed, will show text [eth0 no up] .
F5 Number of satellites being tracked
F6 Heartbeat, will flash asterisk '*' if RTAI readTask running, will flash '!' if readTask not running or RTAI module not loaded.
- Valid Keys
LEFT Does nothing
RIGHT Moves to next menu
2.2. PRN
This screen displays the first 7 PRNs being tracked. If the receiver is not tracking any satellites, the message Not tracking any satellites will be displayed. If less than seven satellites are being tracked, only those satellites being tracked will be shown.
02|28|04|05|31|29|31 <--- PRN
50|54|34|45|52|51|39 <--- CN0 (dB-Hz)
These values get updated every 100ms and should fluctuate slightly.
- Valid Keys
LEFT Moves to previous menu
RIGHT Moves to next menu
UP/DOWN Toggles which PRN page to display. By default the first 7 satellites being tracked are displayed. If more than 7 satellites are being tracked the rest of them can be viewed by toggling the page with either the up or down arrow.
2.3. Time
This screen displays time...
Tue Apr 26 02:49:30
2005 GPS
- Fields
F1 This field can have two values GPS or LCL. When GPS is shown, this means the time is being decoded from the GPS receiver, when LCL is shown, the receiver is not decoding GPS time and the local clock is not being synchronized by GPS time.
- Valid Keys
LEFT Moves to previous menu
RIGHT Moves to next menu
2.4. Reboot
This screen gives you the option to reboot the system
Reboot System?
ENTER to reboot
- Valid Keys
LEFT Moves to previous menu
RIGHT Moves to next menu
ENTER Reboots the system
2.5. Network
This screen allows you to set either DHCP or static network. When this screen is entered, /etc/conf.d/net is read for settings.
2.5.1. DHCP
If DHCP is selected, the display will look as follows:
Network: DHCP
F1 F2
- Fields
F1 When this field reads
DHCP , it means the IP address is dynamically assigned via a DHCP server
F2 This field is usually blank, unless the current network configuration has not been saved to the
/etc/conf.d/net file.
- Valid Keys
LEFT Moves to previous menu
RIGHT Does nothing
! (field F2) appears, then enter will save new settings to the network config file.
UP/DOWN Changes to static IP (! should appear now)
F2 Restarts the network interface (key only active if configuration saved with
enter key.
2.5.2. Static
If Static is selected, the screen will look as follows:
F1 F2
Network: Static
- Fields
F1 When this field reads
static , it means the IP address is set by the user
F2 This field is usually blank, unless the current network configuration has not been saved to the
/etc/conf.d/net file.
F3 This is the static IP field, to modify the field, press
F2 .
- Valid Keys
LEFT Moves to previous menu
RIGHT Moves to next menu
! (field F2) appears, then enter will save new settings to the network config file.
UP/DOWN Changes to DHCP IP (! should appear now)
F1 Enters
EDIT mode for IP field, see below for valid keys
F2 Restarts the network interface (key only active if configuration saved with
enter key.
2.5.3. Edit Mode
When edit mode is entered (F1 key), an underscore will appear under the number of the IP address to edit. The following keys are then valid:
- Valid Keys
LEFT Moves to next number to edit
RIGHT Moves to previous number
UP Increases the IP (valid range 0-9)
DOWN Decreases the IP (valid range 0-9)
ENTER Exits the IP field (but doesn't save to file - a
! will appear to indicate that the field hasn't been saved to a file yet)
2.6. NetworkStatic
This screen is only visible when static option is selected in the Network menu. Here you will be able to change the network mask and the gateway.
M: <-- F1
G: <-- F2
- Fields
F1 network Mask of the subnet.
F2 Gateway of the subnet.
F3 This field is usually blank, unless the current network configuration has not been saved to the
/etc/conf.d/net file.
- Valid Keys
LEFT Moves to previous menu
RIGHT Moves to next menu
! (field F2) appears, then enter will save new settings to the network config file.
F1 Enters
EDIT mode for netmask field, see below for valid keys
F2 Enters
EDIT mode for gateway field, see below for valid keys
2.6.1. Edit Mode
When edit mode is entered (F1 or F2 key), an underscore will appear under the number of the netmask/gateway address to edit. The following keys are then valid:
- Valid Keys
LEFT Moves to next number to edit
RIGHT Moves to previous number
UP Increases the current number (valid range 0-9)
DOWN Decreases the current number (valid range 0-9)
ENTER Exits the netmask/gateway field (but doesn't save to file - a
! will appear to indicate that the field hasn't been saved to a file yet)