Name Template: PUB/MISSION/level1b/gpsBit/YYYY.DDD/gpsBit_IIII.YYYY.DDD.HH.MM.GGG_SSSS.VVVV_txt
DDD | Day of year |
GGG | GNSS id (G28 = GPS satellite 28) |
HH | Hour |
IIII | Mission ID (CHAM, SACC, CO01-06, GPSM, etc) |
LLL | LEO number (1-6 for COSMIC) |
MISSION | Mission ID (eight characters or less--champ, champrt, sacc, sacctst, etc) |
MM | Minute |
PUB | Base directory for the pub hierarchy |
SSSS | Subtype (an ID which tells the command options used in generating this file) |
VVVV | Version (an ID which tells the version of all codes using in generating thie file) |
YYYY | Year |
File containing Navigation bits used for processing open loop data
in the lower troposphere.